Homosexual temptation Probably everyone experiences sexual temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13). Sexual temptation, including homosexual temptation is not sinful. Yielding to it is (James 1:14-16).
So is james saying that giving in to sexual temptation , even heterosexual is as bad as giving in to homosexual temptation?
Does that mean homosexuals are no more different thanm hetrosexuals? Has the church and society changed this to suit their own views over the centuries? Is homosexuality really a sin ?
The historic Christian faith has always affirmed Biblical teaching that homosexual acts are always wrong (e.g. Leviticus 18:22, Romans 1:26-27).
The Bible is clear that the only legitimate context for sex is marriage and that marriage can only take place between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24). Sexual acts between men and women before marriage (fornication) or outside marriage (adultery) are also condemned (Matthew 5:27-28).
Which then makes you wonder are adulterers gonna be any more welcome in heaven than homosexuals?Are they perhaps in for a shock when they get there?If indeed they do at all ?
The fact is. That anyone who doesn'ty accept Jesus Christ as their saviour and the true and living God, is going to hell anyway. Anyone, Homo or Hetro who continues to practice illicit sex and has accepted Jesus into their lives should question themselves as to are they really saved. Homosexuality is abhorrent to the Lord but anyone who turns away from this act and believes in Jesus will be saved. In fact all sinners who accept Jesus will be saved and by the power of the Holy spirit they will turn away from sin.
homosexuality has been going on for thousands of years, the bible was only created to scare people into not breaking the law, fear of god probably kept people on the straight and narrow until people became wise to it.
If your God exists, he will forgive me when i truly repent, if there is simply nothing, I won't know anyway.
Either way, we are going to be as successful in the afterlife as each other.
The only difference is - here on earth, I will have a far more relaxed and happy time because I don't fret about the choices of my fellow humans - i don;t have the moral right so to do.
how about if you are bisexual, or a straight person that has murdered someone,do you just float about in limbo because half of you belongs in heaven and half in hell?