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I need a coffee

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dot.hawkes | 12:37 Sun 12th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
So far on CB today I have not understood much at all. Am i the only one ? Apart from Monty and Neti everything seems a conspiracy!


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there is a lot of new names thats for sure!

hi dot

im wetting babys head
so no caffiene for me today

i wont see my grandson till 27th of this month as she lives in derby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
While you're up.... Tea please, very strong, a smidgen of milk and no sugar, ta!
Sun 12/10/08
12:35 apart from Dris and sirprize, are there only 2 other posters on this thread?

Yeah im puzzled by your post too dot ?
Care to exp0lain or is it just part of todays puzzle ?
Question Author
leg I tried to fathom that thread and it was just too confusing, why don't people just shurrup and get on with the site instead of picking bits out of each other, you're one of the worst you have so much venom in you towards people, try to chill out and leave it where it should be!
No conspiracy on my morning thread or netis birthday thread Dot , but then it went pear-shaped .
I think that is the only dodgy thread,dot...all the others are quite light-hearted........I mean how bad is embossed loo paper..and baby wipes?????? :-))
Question Author
lol okay report me for being dodgy I'm up for that lol
Still dont understand what you were saying .
yesterday too you tried stirring

perhaps you should take your own advice dot ?

But then im sutre you know better.
Question Author
how could I be the one stirring when the threads i am reading involve several suppsedly grown men arguing about who is who and what threats they made to each other? How is saying that i find it all confusing is hardly stirring anything! Are you trying to censor my input?
I take it I'm not getting that cuppa then?! Tut.. Fine! I'll do it myself....
It can be confusing, I agree.

How would you like your coffee, Dot ?

Strong and black ?

Dot your posts last night .
In which you participated .
Dont act silly now.
And its no wonder im confused by your bizarre post if you dont understand it yourself .
Thanks for clearing that up .
I dont wanna converse on this thread with you anymore as its as much use as bangin your head against the screen.
Carry on as usual , its all thats expected .

D T H ?�'
Question Author
patronising me now leg, I am allowed to be confused, and you are allowed to not participate in the conversation.
^ s s d d

bring on

the echoesssssssssssssssssssssssssss

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I need a coffee

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