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Arrgghhh!!!...I need water!!

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pastafreak | 14:06 Sun 12th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
2 Answers
OMG...just had some veggie sausages that taste like they have enough salt to float a tanker in them........just checked the label.....1GM in each of them!!!
I will be water-logged by the end of the day........: ((


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Uh-uh, Pasta, I can really sympathise with you. What a horrible shock. Bet you won`t be eating any more of them again. Something similar happened to me some time back and I remember thinking at the time that I probably would`ve eaten them quite happily before I cut down on the salt. x
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LOL-I was just so glad I hadn't bought several packs of them!!

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Arrgghhh!!!...I need water!!

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