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Illegal sites??

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has | 13:35 Tue 14th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
How do pikey sites get their water / electric / sewage etc, etc.
Is it just them "tapping into" the system illegally (again), as is most things they do?


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I don't think you can say pikey on here now.... ;-)
permanent sites provided by councils have everything provided.

illegal sites they often go out to get water daily.

We once arrived at work to find theyd got a hose on outside tap and were washing their vans!

pikeys dont care much.

A gypsey family that parked near our factory almost froze one night as they didnt have any wood for fire and waited til we got in before asing if they could take a bit of broken pallet on our carpark. They were decent
plus some take stand pipes around with them to illegally get water from hydrants
Talking of 'pikey' - where did that word originate from anyway? Anyone? Ethel?! I can;t be bothered to google it, am suposed to be working....
they have generators for elec
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Any pikeys out there want to contribute?

No, I thought not.
u have a site in your town dont u forget ...we go past it .
It's still a naughty name though.....

the ED might be watching....

sall - from 'turnpike traveller' which was a common term for vagabonds. It's been used since the 1830s.
erm yes. why do you go past it sleepy?
thank you Ethel - you've turned up trumps again!
oh when we go to wells
dont forget to wave to 4get as you pass hers (not the site) next time sleepy :)
will do red wont be till next year now ...
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Thats Gypsy though.
The ones Has is referring to are what my mil refers to as hedgemumpers.

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Illegal sites??

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