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legendis.god | 22:13 Tue 14th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Well seems notkleggy was right
i was away to get green

wouldnt work earlier but now does.
ed mustve reprieved 1 of my names at least , well he did ban legend.isgod

but hey

here i am

another 4 days till it goes grey

will i last ?


well im not betting the takings on it



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you need a break leg

how about two weeks on a black volcanic beach somewhere off africa lmao
i'm confuzed
it could confuzzle the ed!! lol

but i wouldn't put any petso on it
i could do with a good shag tonight

wheres all the girls lol
do you mean pesto teehee
bring it on


shaggy is a waiting

here i is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

leg u been banned wat for xxxxxxxxxxxxx
actually i retract that statement

i was playing abracadadabra

earlier on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

strange minds xxxxxxxxxxx
Lol - all "good boys'll" last on here, but things are looking iffy for a few.
Best to behave, peeps.
Question Author
i was banned for setting a trap!!

though some think they know otherwise


oooh la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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