Going through some old photos - always cringe making - I have found a photo of me at the seaside when I was 10 or 11. I am wearing a hand-knitted swimsuit and the horror has come back to me.
Of course, as soon as I came out of the sea the blessed thing was a soggy stretched mess that stretched down to my knees. Laugh? I nearly died :|
Any embarrassing items of clothing in your dim and distant past? Or recent past for that matter.
I have an old photo of me at the beach when I was about 4 or 5 (and mum hadn't brought my swimsuit ) paddling in the sea with my dress tucked into my knickers which my father laughingly used to threaten to show prospective boyfriends..........only I wasn't laughing!!!
I have a photo of me at primary school wearing an jumper badly knitted by my mum. She ran out of wool and the back & one sleeve were a different shade. I'm also sporting a hairstyle courtesy of a Twink home perm done by my mum, followed by a shampoo & set done by my nan. On this photo I have the face and body of a 10 year old, sporting a hairstyle not normally seen on someone under the age of 85.
I used to have one of those....I'd forgotten all about it!
Mind you, before the horrid perm I had long straight hair which was always in a high ponytail (to reduce the likelihood of nits). When my mum made me wear the hat over the ponytail I looked like I had a deformed head.
I'm a female Ethel - don't think it would've made any difference though, to my parents!!! lol
Now I know where the fashion sense (lack of) came from........
"Rupert, Rupert the bear - everyone knows your name"