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So what does it mean.......

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pastafreak | 17:46 Thu 16th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
...when a bird poohs on you?

Good or bad luck??......or just a manky jumper?


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It means a bird pooped on you
It's good luck... apparently!
Well that's what my Mum said! (Probably so I didn't make a fuss tho, ha ha!)
Sparrow or seagull pasta?

I have no answer, except I was always told it is lucky....

just wondered how big a mess you've got to clean up?!!!

Hi pasta , my mum used to think it meant you were going to get some good luck coming your way too , however , I think it just means you now have to quickly wash your clothing . :-) xxxxx
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That simple,eh,ethel???
Well.......I thought it was good luck also. As for the bird......more than likely a pigeon,but could be a seagull as there are plenty here. Is the amount of luck in proportion to the size of the bird or the amount of pooh????

I noticed it just as I strolled into Sainsbury's.... ;-0
dump her....
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errmm..I don't have a 'her' , joby (?)
Bet they gave you a wide berth in Sainsbury lol!

If it's a big dollop - get yourself a lottery ticket

small amount - there was probably a � coin on the floor in Sainsbury. And you missed it cos you were checking your jumper!
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LOL, rabbs......I went straight to the loo in Sainsbury' god what a strange was bathed in electric blue light (rather like the indicator lights on my lappy).....and the loo paper shredded all over the front of my jumper......I buttoned up my jacket and made a quick exit!
Lol , did the lighting illuminate the bird droppings pasta !
It was a joke pasta..........ffs.....
Hope you've got something for your tea....

if you still feel like eating!!!!!
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Well,mamma....they were sludgy brown ones that just kind of blended in with my brown jumper-lol

I could have just spluttered a cappucino all over myself....
Question Author strops,hun....I just did not know what you meant. Sorry. My judgement has been clouded by bird poop I guess.

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