jake-the-peg, I was wondering who might grab that hot potato when I posted it. Uncertain whether I could do that assertion justice I submitted it any way. What�s life without a challenge?
Firstly, if it�s OK with you, I�ll begin by digging myself in a little deeper.
Right and wrong are absolutes defined by the nature of reality and the means by which beings whose lives depend on making the right choices survive and flourish. That means is an individuals moral code, the principles which guide our choices and actions. If ones moral code conforms to the dictates of reality they benefit from a higher quality of life. If ones moral code is flawed they suffer the consequences.
Ones ability (or lack thereof) to discern right from wrong from the grey of ignorance do not alter their absolute nature. Only the quality of the lives dependent on their ability to discern which is which is at stake.
I am not here to dictate what is right or wrong. I am here to declare that the quality of the life you lead (your own) depends solely on your choices in light of your understanding of the nature of reality, including your own, and how best to integrate your survival and well being with that nature. What we cannot change we have no other valid option but to accept while voicing our disapproval.
continued . . .