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stokemaveric | 22:29 Sat 18th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
what scars do you carry from your childhood?...i have a little hole in my arm where a lad stuck a dart in me i was 10 at the time and he was 13.....the b**ta*


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only mental scars!
and your tb jab scar stoke!!
mine are all emotional scars


Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !
I have what looks like a mole on my left cheek but it actually blue after being stabbed with a pen.

several other scars from other stuff.. but that's growing up :)
Question Author
lol cazzz....and sara3.....what a sad answer sweetheart x
Left knee, fell on glass!
Question Author
ouch sachs.........and arent there a lot of emotional scars?? to be honest i never gave that answer a second thought....sorry everyone...........
hey, we're grown ups now.. I have plenty of "proper" scars but they're all gross operation related.. I thought I'd spare you ;o)
I have a scar on my ankle from when I burnt my foot a few years ago
Question Author
thank you sara3 ive just had my
well, don't ask such yucky questions then!!
Just a small scar on right elbow. About the size of a new five pence piece. Front-flipped off racing bike and skidded along tarmac with the net result of the front wheel being bent around the fork, such was the force.
From childhood ....vaccination scar , burn on ankle as baby scar , dogbite scar on finger .
I have a scar on my foot where I stood on some glass whilst paddling in a stream, I was about 10 yo.
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I have a veritable cornucopia of childhood accident scars - best one is a perfectly formed molar-shaped indentation on my leg, courtesy of a young chimpanzee. Bless him...

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