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American ingredients..

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cassimer | 11:37 Tue 08th Mar 2005 | Food & Drink
9 Answers
I have a recipe which calls for instant vanilla pudding mix... What is this in the uk? Help would be greatly appreciated!


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According to one website, you can substitute custard powder measure for measure.

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Sounds not to nice.... but will give it a try! Thanks for your help!


What about Angel Delight or similar ? They do a vanilla flavour of this.

I'm don't know the actual name in the UK, but the pudding mix in the U.S. is made by Jello, which I assume they have in the UK.  It's used for pie fillings here, among other things...
Hi Clanad, we don't have Jello brand in the UK, but we have the same sort of stuff, it's just by different makers!
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By jello, do you mean actual jelly? Or is angel delight the right stuff? Thanks for all your help everyone.

Basic Jello vanilla pudding needs to be cooked on the stove, so it's more like a custard or blancmange mix.

The instant pudding mix sounds like Angel Delight - it says you can whip it up in 5 minutes! amily_pudding#one

Yes it would be the Angel delight mix. In Oz we called it Instant Pudding. You just whipped it in to milk and stuck it in the fridge and it would solidify like a thick mousse. Do you have "white wings" brand? they still make it.
Question Author
Thanks everyone - really helpful. Angel delight it is. For a cookie mixture, so had better be good!

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American ingredients..

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