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Lousy morning and to top it all

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Doc.Spock.1 | 08:51 Mon 20th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
the cats' litter tray needs cleaning, yuk!!


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just buy a new one
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It is actually one of those underbed blanket containers with the wheels taken off.

The dozy cat is that old he kept missing the normal sized tray.

Next step is to fill the entire spare room with cat litter.
crap, innit doc ?
we threw ours out, cos the cat used to dig hole in middle of litter tray, then hang arsse over edge, and crap on floor.
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Morning Pete, yep, and lots of it.
yuk, i hate that job.
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Ours does that logic. Love the expression arse over edge.
mine do that too! or wait until try is just cleaned then go in middle of floor!

Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !
Mine likes to do 'wet' ones that look like they have been 'thrown' at the side of the tray...eeeuuuwww!
bloody annoying in the middle of the night when cat starts to scrat scrat scrat for half a hour . then 10 minutes later the smell makes it way up the bedroom . ewww
Which goes to remind me why I don't have a cat.............
Get cat tray liners.
Just pull it up, tie it up and chuck it.
In the bin that is.
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Good idea tigerlilly
my cat scratches the liner to pieces so when you pick it up it all falls out, and she takes great delight in showering the room with cat litter.
have you seen the use once and throw away litter trays that they sell in supermarkets �1.99

blo*dy ridicules
I got a load of swing bin liners with tie handles and put the tray inside with the handles facing out then the litter on top.

When it comes to empying time, I just pull the liner back over with the handles and it scoops everything up and as the liners are quiet long, keeps you away from the gross stuff then you can just tie the bag at the top and do away with it.

I keep the litter topped up after he's been to reduce the smell as well and give him more to dig with so he doesn't rip the liner and put some newspaper or a liner under the tray as well to catch any overspill.

You can get kitty litter freshener stuff as well, I've got a "shake and vac" type one I sprinkle in with the litter and after the event.

You could always put some other freshener underneath which aborbs the smell like bicarb of soda, provided the cat can't get to it.

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Lousy morning and to top it all

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