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Legends i am eating post.

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legendis.god | 17:04 Tue 21st Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Today i am eating a homemade steak and ale pie .
Would you like the recipe ?


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aye, i,ll believe it when i see it !!!!!
Very witty.....

Actually I do like rabbit. Iceland used to do it......get will need shortcrust btw!

And your recipe (or very close to it) is a favourite of mine. Used to roll the pastry into too big a rectangle, cook then quarter. Very impressive on the plate. Not that you could see the plate of course!!!
Ummmm. Try this: you'll stick to it and vice-versa:)
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Dustry6 if youd like to see my meat illl see wjhat i can do.

Are you partial to pie?
I love a piece of pie after a movie.

How about you ?

Rasbbs a whole gutted skinned rabbit here for 8 euros from mercadona comes with the liver seperate in a small bag

No, no, no! Cubed and in a bag you fool!

It mustn't LOOK like a flippin rabbit..........hell's bells!!!!!
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this is stretched out and vacuum packed lol

i eat it in a spanish restaurant leggst withh canarian potatoes and veg with a drizzle of melted garlic butter

no kissing afterwards tho

lol at stretched out - caught it mid run did they?!!!!

You have to mind those little bones with a whole one tho..

and bits of vacuum pack as well?

Off to cook our dinner now. Rubbish tonight, bacon, chips, egg etc., Can't be gourmet every night! c u later.....
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i may have fish later with mash , swetcorn and some beetroot.

yummy scrummy

dth ?
im partial to a piece of pie yeah, does mash really go with fish ?

eating rabbit....outragious !!!!! my poor wee boy would be heart broken as he has a pet rabbit
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Obviously mash goes with fish.
Imagine a fish pie without a topping of mash baked in the oven ?

tsk tsk

methinks you should stick to cheesey pasta and micro noodles dusty


yeah maybe you are right wait that cant be right you are a man after all.

i,ll have you know i am making the daddy of all meals right now....spag bol lol
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For spag bol read a tin of smart price spaghetti with a tin of asdas mince tipped onto it

addd ketchup and a sprinkle of parmesan.


fit for a tinker


aye whatever trever, and for homemade steak and ale pie . read bought from icelands taken out the box and banged in the oven gas mark 6 for 30 mins ...eaten from a plate with some tinned/frozen veg or straight from the tin dish ala tinker style. enjoy your pie tinker pedro !

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