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Is it true that Bruce Willis is running for president

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dot.hawkes | 20:23 Tue 21st Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
i only half hear the news, but I am sure they said he was.


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Hmmm, there is some truth in that.
He bought a burger chain with a couple of other celebs, and has nominated himself to become president of it...
I hope so :D
Awww I'd go for Arnie and Alan Sugar for PM over here :)
Question Author
Oh it's okay i googled it, they mean John McCain not john Mclane, I kept hearing the name wrong soz
fgacts dot

its imperative to get them correct
ahh well
Question Author
what are fgacts?

anyway, I wasn't thinking and i have got confused, i do that.
i was talking facts not spelling

do try to pay attention at the back of the class please.
Question Author
do i have to? Oh no I don't, oh well.
there will be homework hawkes

and sit up straight

i hate a sloucher

tsk tsk

i fort legend was already on the presidential gravy train!
-- answer removed --
How great would it have been if it was Bruce Willis. Oh and totally PMSL at "what are fgats?" LOL

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Is it true that Bruce Willis is running for president

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