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Do you think sleep helps?

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lovefoolb4u | 21:00 Wed 22nd Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
See if you're feeling quite down and just not feeling like yourself, can't be bothered talking to people etc, and you've had a lot of late nights recently and haven't caught up on sleep, do you think it helps you mentally to just have an early night and catch up?

Thinking of heading to bed now! Will it help?


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Yes! Go recharge yourself! Sweet dreams!
what's your usual(when not out on thr razzle) time for retiring? if go too early,may wake too early & not get back to slep,which has happened to me,then feel worse
you can't get too much sleep, I do it all the time :-)
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Well I'm at uni now and don't usually go out nearly as much when i'm at home, I've been getting in at about half 3 some nights. It just depends.
yes for sure, yu should try to relax and get a good nights sleep. Hot choclate might help, specialy if made with warm milk.
absolutely, but I don't believe just one good night's sleep solves it. to catch up you need a few reasonable nights, but don't go to bed too early or you won't sleep.. and we all know how stressful that can be!

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