Support is whats needed. Shes probably looking for advice and support from her mum (i assume youre her mum not dad).
support her with her decisions and advise where you can.
1) never force your opinion of what she should do on her.
2) listen to her
3) tell her you will be there for her whatever happens
4) provide a roof over her and babies head if she asks
5) jsut support her in whatever way possible
its her life. If shes happy so should you. Dont tell her what to do, advice her. Do what your role as a mother entails...MOTHER her. You know what its like to be pregnant!
So she's 19. What difference does it really make? She can still achieve her dreams and do all she wishes with a baby!
Ironically a lot of people look at a young person being pregnant as a waste of a life (some do sorry) however its the start of a new life. Be happy for her! And remember you lived ur life the way you wanted...let her! :)