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Spellchecker on AB ...... yeeeeehaaaaaah!!!!!!

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mrs.chappie | 16:15 Sat 25th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Only just noticed it - a spellchecker we can use on here.

Wizzo eh folks?

(Or is it just me, getting over-excited?)


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I use firefox and it spell check everything as I type it... though I do need it, my spelling is terrible!
Na I prefer to spell things the way I spell em that is what makes me uneek on here
A pellchecker,I dont need a pellchecker.I twy nut too maque menee mistooks.
I had vary gud marrrks in skool four mae spehling.
Where is it?
Not quite sure Ethel.Maybe Mrs C will tell us soon.
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It's on the Google toolbar Ethel.
I'm hopping off for now.I might be back on AB later this evening perhaps.I got some things I need to do.
Bye for now.....
I have no google taskbar on here
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Quick hello to Imo!!!!!
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Google is the only search thingy I have ever used.

Perhaps you've all noticed chappie's rather computer-illiterate.
the Google toolbar gives you the spell check option on any website...

I still wouldn't install that bit of clutterware though

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Spellchecker on AB ...... yeeeeehaaaaaah!!!!!!

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