Looks like I may be the only one with a slightly negative experiance. I met my husband in the States,and married there.Later,shortly after we moved to the UK, we settled into a tiny house on the edge of a village. We had done some research...mostly regarding schools,transport etc. My husband was a country boy from Oxfordshire,and felt we would be happy there. Well..it WAS good for our daughter as she grew up with so much freedom that certainly could not be had anywhere else...we had open fields front and behind us,and she was always disappearing for hours with the dog. I never ever worried about her. A great way for a child to grow up. The drawback was that the people were just NOT friendly.....I sometimes thought that it was my perception as an American. BUT-we had rented briefly in another village in another county before we settled-and the folk there were much friendlier...I hated leaving there. So-be careful if you are moving to a small village..they may not ALWAYS be the welcoming sort.