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not another j.ross and r. brand thread

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johnny.5 | 20:12 Tue 28th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
get over it ffs.


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wasnt all that
If they get the sack from the BBC it would be in the papers for years to come!
i say give jonno a pay rise

a measly 6 million squid

theres a credit crunch

give him another million

I would be happy to see Ross and Brand go to prison.

Vile disgusting foul-mouthed crap.
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Oh nothing.
Well I think that people that mug old ladies and carry knives etc etc are far more deserving cases than that to go to prison
They should go to prison as well nonuts.
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what should they go to prison for ?
Impersonating an entertainer ?

Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !
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2 complaints from listeners who regularly tune in -then when made 'public' almost 10k complain.

Its a farce and although they maybe overstepped the mark -I thought it was harmless banter and IMO I think Russell Brand has been there with his 23yr old glamour model grandaughter.I thought it was funny TBH .

BTW -did you know that pensioners and low paid workers are potentially going to become hypotheric during this clod weather as they cant affod to heat their houses because of the obscene price of fuel???

O -and people are worried sick that the money they have saved for their retirement is lost and they also find they are in negative equity??

Now thats headline stuff !!

This is a battle between different factions of the media and they want to get a grip.They are gloating pure and simple at the BBCs discomfert.

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not another j.ross and r. brand thread

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