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Boy in the striped pyjamas

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Bbbananas | 13:00 Tue 28th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
All schoolchildren aged 12 and over should be made to sit and watch this film.
I saw it at the weekend, finally, and it was fantastic - if a film with such subject matter can be described as such.

The acting was superb from all. I have never sat in a cinema where there is absolute silence for many minutes after the credits start to roll.

In fact, everyone should watch it.
Just my opinion.


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i really want to see that film but will wait till its out on dvd ..
I have watched the trailer on filmfactory and it looks like my sort of film.
but I don't go to the pics (havn't got anyone to go with), so I will wait for the DVD.
i've never heard of it. What's it about?
daniela why don't you go to the pics?
I have gone on my own. I take my box of chocs, sit up at the back and relish the peace and quiet for a couple of hours.
Question Author
I agree crisgal - I have often gone to the cinema on my own if it's a film I particularly want to see & I'm billy-no-mates one night.

In brief, it's a holocaust film, but as (mostly) seen through a child's eyes. One 8 year old is the son of the Camp Kommandant who befriends another 8 year old jewish boy who is in the camp. It is touching & very emotional and a completely new way of telling a story about those terrible events. It is a must-see - not for 'entertainment'. Look it up on IMDB.
It's not the idea of going to the pics on my own I am too worried about. It's being out at night on my own that's scary!. I suppose I could go to the matinee.....or even get a taxi door-to-door.
Now you have both got me thinking.....
And it is a film I would like to see.
Question Author
Go to an afternoon performance daniela. But do go - and be warned, you will be stunned into silence at the end.

I had read the book when it was first published a couple of years ago, so I knew how it ended & that the film stayed faithful to the book's ending - but even so, it was still both moving and shocking.
I am waiting to see it in English, is it really very disturbing and sad.
I agree with you salla.

I asked a Q about this film a couple of weeks ago & can't wait to see it. I was going with my Granddaugter last Wed, but she went down with a nasty cold. We hope to see it soon, but if not, the DVD is due for release on the 7th November, hopefully. I've already put my order in at too. lm/Question638512.html
Hi neti & all. -x-
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I saw it in Stevenage (was the nearest cinema still showing it - but it was worth travelling the 50 miles or so).

It is a certificate 12 and a father had took his two lads with him - they looked around the 12-mark. I was pleased to see them taking it all in, asking dad questions all the way through & looking so shocked at certain parts of the film. I hope it sent them away with a lasting impression; too many kids of that age don't even know what the holocaust was.
I wanted to see it, but thought I would wait for the DVD as I suspect I might blub all the way through.

I'm like that sometimes!
I have read the book and found it very powerful. Has anyone read the book and seen the film as I was wondering if the film could be as good as the book?
Question Author
I read the book when it was first published. The film is very true to the book and does it justice.

Did I prefer book or film? Mmmm, tough one. Maybe the film just has the edge, surprisingly.

My only criticism of the film was that the actors in the concetration camp look too well nourished. I know that sounds pathetic - but as good as the actor was who played the jewish boy, he didnt look as though he'd gone without any 3-course meals in a while. But there must be a lot of skinny under-nousished-looking actors out there who could have been cast?
sallabananas are u near stevenage ?
Question Author
no - my home's in Lincolnshire, but the boyfriend lives in Peterborough so it's straight down the A1 for 45 miles or so... it was definitely worth the trip.
ok u could of come and said hello to me ...

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