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tea bags or tea leaves

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zzxxee | 16:47 Wed 29th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
24 Answers
what makes the best cuppa tea bags or tea leaves in a pot?


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I see you've been busy following people around this afternoon Queen - you must be terribly bored.

Make yourself a nice cuppa - it'll do you good!
je nes compade pas!!!!!!!!
Mr R and I hate strong tea. It actually makes me physically sick, but I love a cuppa. I use bags and make it in the mug usually.

I tried the basic tea bags because I thought I could bank on a brewed, but weak cuppa. They are just right for us. I get 80 tea bags for around 30p. They probably contain sweepings off the tea company's floor but they've done us no harm.

My mum who rates herself tea maker extrordinaire, ie dark ginger in colour, was repulsed when I told her about them. Until I told her I was using them when she last visited, using 2 bags per cup for her and she loved it.......

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tea bags or tea leaves

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