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legendis.god | 23:26 Thu 30th Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
49 Answers
channel 4

and brand is next too

u watchin ?


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leg by the seem of it !!
Not me Glaikityin...
He's got enough money of his own to keep himself going for years and years!!!
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the tax money he will save will mean he loses nothing.he may even go abroad so saving more cash

brand may be next doctor who i heard

so watch mn see

they will coin it in

Didn't Dr Who have a granddaughter?
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dunno guesty

butb hes always had a nice female assistant

welll after sylvester mccoy as dr who

noone ruled out lol

i still like em


This grand daughter of Andrew Sachs must be laughing all the way to the bank thanks to Brandy and Rossy. I had never heard of her before and now she is front page news. Perhaps she can now earn more than these two pi110ks and good luck to her.
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she can always get a job down the docks when shes skint

Oh no,no,no,no,no,no.
Plz say it cannot be true,or are you just pulling my leg.
Omg, no!!!
Russell Brand as Doctor Who!!!
I am most definitely going to contact the BBC to tell David Tennant not to quit as the Doctor.He is perfect at this role.Why does he have to quit as the Doctor? I hope he changes his mind and stays.
Can't he see the viewer ratings of this series are as popular as ever!!!!

If he has to go,can we have anyone but that Russell Brand bloke.I would suggest someone like Anthony Head would be a good role.
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tennants away after next year
adn i think its time for an english doctor who again lol

brand would be ideal

tom baker had the long scarf and similar hair
i can see brand with the scarf too
and give it over a year
he will do nicely


johnny5 said it
and hes not wrong
well i dont think so

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