Also a I use it for cooking a whole chicken, which I brown in the wok , then add stock, allow approx 90 mins and add vetetables and herbs according to their cooking time - absolutely delicious
hi babe's, ((((hugs))))) mine was a presnt from my mum, already seasoned and all that, bit i am a bit naughty and use it for everything, curry's stews stir fry's, i even did an omlette once, well sort of, it came out a bit like a wok shaped frittata!
We had to use ours as an emergency potty once - it was the nearest thing to hand and an 'emergency' with our 'nappy free' little'un left us no time to think! Naturally it got chucked straight away...
i tend to turn mine over and iron my shirts on the base as this gives them the perfect shape for my posture. i then always look smart when i go to my campanology lessons!