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Does where you live have strange clothing habits??

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puddicat | 14:10 Fri 31st Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
When i visited my sister in liverpool, i saw a woman going into a shop with pyjamas on and slippers with a coat over them, my sister says that happens quite regularly at the supermarket she visits soooooooooo strange!!!!!


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Nah....I always do that. I think my shop keeper looks shocked when he sees me in real clothes......
yes ,quite a few people around here have bad heads, cos they'r allways bandaged.
when we go to ASDA at night we see some people in their pjs!!
and some must be really ugly, as they keep their faces covered.
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I could except night time do a certain extent, but not in the cold light of day,mind you my mother can live in her nightie robe and headscarf all bloody day if she could, even hangs the washing out like that, its like something from the war times lol!!!
A lot of men here wear dresses!!!!
ive had my pj and clothes over the top of them to drop my kids of at school but never would get out car .i wouldnt just go out in my pjs no way ..
crawley has alot of chavs...
Zacmaster you nump.....I live in a very large house in a very good area. You ignorant fool.
Is it a class thing? To show ur working-class (have a job) walk about with rollers under a headscarf.....with a fag outta mouth?
And the men with their vests and braces!!!
puddicat.....just twigged.....its the asian shalwa kameez
Crawley is the pits ...lots of no go
areas ..and real chav land ...
answer my question on chatterbank! we need 100 answers! after that you can come back here! :)

thanks all you amazing people! :)
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Does where you live have strange clothing habits??

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