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halloween.....what is?????????

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stokemaveric | 23:00 Fri 31st Oct 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
the most scariest movie you have ever seen?,,,,,and i will say the exorcist......that s**t me


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hi stokey, must agree it scared me to death when i first saw it, i was frightened to go to bed for ages, are you at the Brit tomorrow, Come on city.
in their day the elm street movies were scary

not now a bit dated

as is the exorcist
28 Days Later.
The Baby's Room I thought was very good too.
Good wins the other day, hurrah.
The exorcist frightened me for years........i have not watched a scary movie since!
chrissy what a wimp :0)
Scarey movies are better if there is someone to cling to (or throttle) during the scarey bits.
I know Leggy I cant help it!
I am not sure what my scariest film is....there are so many that I've seen it's difficult to pinpoint the right one.
These have certainly raised my eyebrow.....
The Ring and it's sequel Ring 2
The Grudge
Wolf Creek
Blair Witch Project (I'm going to see the sequel to this film later)
The Thing
Silent Hill
Resident Evil films
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre films
Poltergeist films
Salem's Lot
Saw films
28 Days/Weeks Later
The ALIEN films
Cabin Fever
Jeepers Creepers films
The Devils Backbone
Final Destination films
Evil Dead films
Nightmare on Elm street films
Friday the 13th films
Halloween films
The Exorcist films
I could go on,but I think I will end it there now
Salem's Lot was good, but I thought the Blair Witch was poo, all they had to do was follow the river when they got to it and then they'd have found their car and left safe and sound.
I thought The Lost Boys which I saw a long time back was quite a good film.
The Shining
Seen many Dracula films
The Omen films
People under the stairs
Silence of the Lambs
The Amityville Horror films
300 (not very scary but quite bloodthirsty)
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LOL GOOD ANSWERES EVERY1........yes marvel i will be on the boothen end ....lets hope we dont see a horror show there eh???? although i fancy us sneaking a
i was so excited when the exorcist was rereleased as id always heard how bad it was and had people screaming in the cinema etc and man what a dissapointment , biggest load of crap in my opinion, i actually went outside half way through for a smoke.

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halloween.....what is?????????

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