Once in a what i call "the hell " i loved a man who treated me with such disregard that it broke my mind...........i am intelligent and i tried to logically understand why he did do what he did and actually that made it even harder, beause sometimes you just happen to meet someone who is truly horrible and capable of causing pain just because they can.
But looking back on the me, who would not listen to the many many attempts of friends and family to get me to see what was happenng.........i realise that i was actually in the middle of a breakdown, caused by the stress of a divorce........ and i just couldnt take it in, i just down and just coped with anything that happened because that was better than having to deal with yet another change to my life.
i didnt know what it meant to be so exhausted of dealing with the stress that i just focused on him as the rock to help me thru, despite the mountain of evidence that he was tipping me over the edge........
i say this because i wonder if your god daughter just found studying and being the perfect daughter etc etc so hard and so exhausting that she had done what i did, and unfortunately again, like me ............picked the wrong person...........
how did it end ?............. i finally came out of the fog and got away from him................ it nearly killed me and i did it only because i didnt want to die .................
how can you help ??? be prepared to see her hit the depths of despair and hope that when she does she can trust you to come running and pick her up............if you make her feel that you only have one view and will keep drummng away at it will make her think she cant talk to you about it, and she wont.............
let her know you are there any time, day or night and help her when she needs it, never judging, never expecting her to do what you suggest, never chastising her if she doesnt take your