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legendis.god | 02:41 Sat 01st Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
im offski folks


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u going already night night :-)
Nitey nite hun.......sleep tight xxxx
two places at once ....goodnight
Oh dear, did it get to much? signing in and out?
I suppose it would do,
Being a female one minute and a male another, it must get confusing, not to mention tiring.
You have been reported for using foul language, dress it up as much as you like, reported.
Oh, but Editor is not around at he weekend so you and your sidekicks will wallow in it won't you.
Bring on the banning of ISP'S

Argue then, you idiot.
Question Author
I suggest contacting the editor with your unfounded , and blatantly ridiculous accusations.
No need to ask if you have , as the editor would ve set you straight on the facts.
This petty and vindictive streak you are displaying and your constant following me really does nothing but to show your character and your nature.

Both of which do nothing to enamour or impress.

Contact the editor with your accusations and conspiracy theories or just let it lie.

Its beyond boring now.
Move on

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