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propergomper | 20:06 Sun 02nd Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Why are matches called matches


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match: 1350�1400; Middle English macche (wick) < Middle French meiche, Old French mesche < Vulgar Latin *mesca (lamp wick), metathetic variant of Latin myxa < Greek m�xa, μυξα, (mucus, nostril, nozzle of a lamp)[2]

why are chillies called chillies when they are really hot\?
because of the swan
Many, many moons ago they were called 'lucifers'.
What after the devil stewey?
I guess so. Devil: heat, flame smoke, sulphurous inferno.
so where do lucifer chillies grow then?
Heaven knows, dot.
Matches are called matches because the whole boxful are all the same ...

... so they match each other.
J J that is why we all love you on here
Why isnt my laptop playing videos on you tube? and why cant i play on yoville?
MrBen5 ... because it's sh@gged.

You need to post your question in "Technology"

J x

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