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daneswalk | 23:56 Sun 02nd Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
hi chico bird what a silly girl you are now take me for example i was abused a a young boy did i consider suicide no never i fought my way out of these things that get to you i reached the top in my chosen profession and became a good citezen never thougth of ending my life i am now 78 years old okay an old beggar but a nice old beggar just you consider the young eople who lose there lives i am sure you have a lot to live for so do it and enjoy life from now on love you


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I don't normally get involved with any of the personal stuff on here, but this time I have to say nice one to you, I'm glad Chico had somebody that she could talk to and help her when she was down.
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yes and i am sitting here enjoying a good glass before going to bed lovely stuff this grouse glad to hear that chico bird is okay i do worry about people when they say these things now i can go to bed and sleep peacefully
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I kept out of it, too.. but Leg can have another gold star for his name badge.

one more and he can flip burgers ;o)
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hey, welcome to my world!

off to bed now.

you did good... really.

nighty night xx
it is all any one would need in a time of crisis......another person to just listen,and give an unbiased view on things. .........and a shoulder to cry on if necessary
stiil crying

thanks daneswalk xxxxxxxxxxx

and asll just talking to my man and he is making me more upset than i am xxxxx

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he just relised
the streess and her kicking me in
but have to go to bed now as im cannot breathe hardly

still stressed out

nite all xxxxx
take care of yourself,try get some sleep you will maybe feel better tomorrow x
thanks dusty xxxx
ill try


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