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the best xmas prezzie ever

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zzxxee | 18:02 Mon 03rd Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
what would be the best xmas prezzie ever it doesnt have to be material could be meeting up with a long lost love or you could be plain greedy and want a carribean island


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Hi z, I've been bought a book for Christmas I can't wait to read, that's my best that I know of! xxx
Meeting my nanna on a caribbean island. Taking my kids to meet her also. And all of us getting absolutely rat@r5ed on the Clan Dew like we did back in 1976. (well, the kids didn't then. Obviously. Firstborn not being until 1982).
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thats not a good prezzie if you no what it is before crimbo you no what it is wheres the surprise factor?
I always know! They ask me what I want! lol!
It's in the anticipation z!
Right now I'd settle for a cheese sandwich. I'm half starved.
Great answer, Natalie.

You might want to open it before Christmas, then?
on a island with George clooney sounds good to me ..:)
Yeah, that would be a good idea Jayne.

Besides it wont be much use Christmas day. I hope I will be eating somethng a bit nicer than a cheese sandwich on Crimbo day. Praps Cheese and pickle, or cheese and tomato.
not until my nanna's had a go sleepyj!
She always was a game old bird & George would be just her type.
Get in the queue girl....
no i dont like seconds thanks first or nothing !
think with george being gay hed appreciate you women there to cook and clean for him .

thats nice of you to offfer .

ooops or didnt you know ? : 0)

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the best xmas prezzie ever

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