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i've just bought

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mccfluff | 16:48 Tue 04th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Plop trumps

anyone else bought anything utterley pointless today?


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where from?
ooh just seen them, great present for my bloke who collects top trumps. I have bought the cr@p trumps before
Iv know idea what you are on about . But with me its usually trump plop! :-)
I don't know what a trump is :-(
I haven't bought anything pointless today
Question Author
Oh dear, you really did buy something utterly pointless didn't you?
Why not just empty your purse down a drain? LOL

I bought some mushrooms, peppers, bananas and blue cheese.
If I was robot it would probably be pointless because I would want to eat bolts and oil instead, luckily I am not a robot.
Also, if I was a cat I probably would think it was a pointless spend aswell. I'm not a cat either.
Or if I was a fish.

I'm tired.
Question Author
lol nat what are you on.......

we're slightly obsessed with poo in our office so its seems and ideal game for us to play. and i had a �5 gift voucher
I'm overtired and it is near the end of the day.

Why the poo obsession?

My office is obsessed with eating, we have many biffas here.
Hahaha, where have my posts gone? Mccfluff you like a mentalist talking to a mysterious nobody called nat.....

I have been erased :-(
what did you do? overpost?
Thanks mccfluff
You have given me a great idea for an xmas prezzie for someone!
Never heard of it before
Question Author
what happened then, that was weird. no idea on the poo obsession, its developed over the years (i even have a plastic poo in my drawer, it was being used as a doorstop but the MD didn't see the funny side)

and that website is fab for wierd things!

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i've just bought

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