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New Year Ideas please!!

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lubecki161 | 09:20 Wed 05th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Im not a fan of New Year! I hate the pressure to have a good time and the ani-climax of the evening! I live in quite a small town and every year i say to my partner i dont want to spend new year here again...but every year we do!! Our group of friends are not going to be here and i just wondered if you had an ideas of what i could do!!?? PLEASE!


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I agree lubecki, it is always an anti climax. So why not buck with tradition and actually spend some good quality time with your partner. After all, it is just another evening. A nice romantic meal, just you and your partner, candles, good food, nice wine, soft music then taken your dessert to the bedroom and bring the new year in with a bang! If you both work thids time is precious.
why not just the two of you find a nicequiet hill top over looking the town pitch a tent , take some hot drinks snuggle up together and watch the fireworks then snuggle down together in your tent and enjoy the peace

Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !
In a tent? In January?

Hells teeth J5! I'm a seasoned camper but even I wouldn't risk being in a tent at that time of year, the poor buggars will be frozen solid.
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fireworks? No fireworks here! Just a town full of drunken idots dressed up! Just like every other saturday night!! I want something different!! x
you can come out with me :-)
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Ahhh thanks!
Get bladdered with your other half and have a night of wanton lust...

or read a book :-)
best new year I ever had was in Ilkeston, everyone dresses up and had a really good time and met loads of new people. Edinburgh is supposed to be good and I;ve also always wanted to go to traflgar square for new year

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New Year Ideas please!!

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