It's my son's birthday today. He's 26 (I was a very young mother). Did I call him Guy? Errr, no. That would have been very naff & he would have hated me for it.
But, does anyone know anyone called Guy born on Nov 5th? There must be plenty of folk named Holly, Carol, Merry etc born on 25th Dec. Or named for the month (april, May, June etc), or even the day (Tuesday, Sunday etc). Any other known naffs?
I'll never forget the day I bumped into this girl in the street. I said how cute her two week old baby was & asked what she'd called him. She very coyly whispered "Elvis". I said how nice it was, but wondered how much stick he would get when starting school or later in the pub, bless him!
My sister-in-law is called June - but her birthday is in April! apparantly they couldn't think of a name and it was June before they registered her. I was in labour on the 3rd of July, and the 4th so the midwifes were suggesting Sam, however my son wasn't born until the 5th! so we ignored them.