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gwinearman | 23:19 Wed 05th Nov 2008 | Quizzes & Puzzles
6 Answers
all answers are colours
1 doesn't sound good in an engine (4)
2 no rhyme for this one (6)
3 peace or iceberg (4)
4 a lake in the paintbox(7)
5 ask a silly question-the answer's a .....(5)
Thank you in advance for any help



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2 Orange
4 Crimson
1 is pink
2 is purple
5 is lemon
3 rose (there is a rose called Peace and a rose called Iceberg)
I think 2 is orange
It's been said many, many times there is no rhyme for purple although the word hirple is very close to it.
yes checked it can be either - hope setter realises that

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