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film four now

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legendis.god | 22:03 Thu 06th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Will smith in i robot

shower scene on now for the ladies

my wee boyt loved this film and particularly loved sonny the robot

mustve watched it loadsa times with him.

Anyone else like it?


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Evening,Leggy-do you recommend it??....there does not seem to be much on tonight.

so what else is new-lol
Pasta - hi - watch it - it's a fave of mine too but seen it only recently so giving it a miss tonight!
Hi rabs...have just switched it on......need something to distract me-lol
id reccomend it for the shower scene alone !!! ..pity it doesnt last longer.
Question Author
dusty ive watched it about 4 times this year
im making chilli just now whilst watching it

pasty dont swirtch over its beteter than whats on here im sure

hi rabbs

ya numpty : 0)
I'm no numpty - I've done what you were nagging me to do!

(blows raspberry!)
Question Author
And that was?


Booked your flights ?

Dusty if u ever get to the reef id be more than glad to cook some chilli .

its legeandary btw


btw rabbs and pasty it might need to be a big pot for march

I have switched over TO Film4 ya numpty!!!

go get that chillie in ya....
going all the way to tenerife for a plate of chilli seems a tad extreme,especially when my own chilli is the best ive ever tasted
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you aint tasted mine

catchya all in a bit

fooods ready

No. But I have found another place cheap.

We could TALK about it some time (clue).......
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im eating lol

gimme 5 lol

welll 10

thechillis sooooooooooooo good
if it was that good it would only take the five
Question Author
on desssert now


dusty...stop rushing him.......he needs to savour it!!!

good food should not be wolfed down.. ;-))
Question Author

bring on the chilli

toot tooot parrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp

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film four now

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