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Good morning .

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cab | 05:11 Fri 07th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
I am early today.
Still dark outside but all seems nice and calm outside.
Hope you all have a wonderful day. x


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G'day....early start for u again?
Question Author
Hi terambulan
For you too or are u down under ?
Am in UK but the Oz crowd r just just catch up before I face rest of the day.

Have a good one and stay safe.
good morning one and all

Am I right ?
I'm not wrong !
Morning :)

Can't believe I'm still tired as fell asleep at about 8pm last night!

Very glad it's Friday and the last day at work before my birthday buildup weekend :)

Looking forward to tonight as it's the fireworks switch on in town and we're having a do at work with a chinese buffet takeaway so we can watch them in the warm :)

Hope everyone has a lovely day xxx
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Hi johnny and jen
Have a good one. x
Cab , what were you doing waking in the middle of the night , I hope you're ok sweetie :-)
Hello terambulan , johnny , and Jenna :-)
Good Friday morning all.
I`m staying in tonight,out tomorrow for a change.
morning cab an crew (oh snigger snigger)-
7 posts without the mention of an ailment
jen,did you get the catflap done ever
Good morning - shall I be the first to mention an ailment then?
No, won't spoil it. Last day of my week off although I do have to go into work this afternoon for a training course which is a pain :(
Have a great day everyone and a lovely weekend
wont see much of today just finished a night shift from hell so im off to bed soon
Morning all.

I won't call it an ailment, but I have enough mucous within my nasal passages to fill a fire bucket. I think I need AB's (antibiotics) xx
good morning, people of AB.

it's Friday. at last!

have a good one :o)
Good morning all.I got woken up in the middle of the night by the idiot girlfriend of a friend who was very drunk and thought it would be ok to phone everyone in her boyfriend's mobile phone contacts.I will be going back to bed as soon as my son has gone to school.
Morning Cab and all!,

Very early Cab, much too early for me!

I hate those kind of annoying pranks Daffy.

Friday at long last.

Have a good day.

Funny XXXX
Hello, oh yes, the legendary cat flat is installed and cat has managed to go in and go out so job done :)
It really has become a legendary cat flap hasn't it? In fact I can't think of a more famous cat flap. Ever.

I think it has been news of the week on here - over & above Obama, Clarkson & Hamilton.

Let's hope he (she?) makes good use of it! x

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Bigmamma I just had a broken sleep thats all.
I am ok but thanks for caring. xx
Morning all!
Lie in for me today, I have a day off....whhhoo hooo.

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Good morning .

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