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my idiot dog

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zzxxee | 17:51 Tue 11th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
why does my dog insist on sitting on top of my dvd player like a cat or on top of my printer???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


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Good Vibrations
Hope its not a giant bull mastiff you will be scunnered lol!!!
Question Author
im worried he will electricute himself as somtimes he climes over the dvd player down the back of the telly with all the wires how can i stop him doing this hes not exactly the size of a lap dog
Question Author
hes a patterdale terrier cross about the size of a cocker spaniel
maybe cause it warm!my silly lap dog sleeps in the tumble dryer....
'cause the machines are warm from being switched on.
Question Author
tumble dryer my god thought my dog waS daft lol
its also her only form of exercise,lol

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my idiot dog

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