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Are G4 supposed to be funny?

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Shipstabber | 18:42 Sun 20th Mar 2005 | Music
3 Answers
You know - like Spinal Tap or Richard Cheese. Because no one can unintentionally be as funny as they are, can they?


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what u mean u dont find there 'unique' version of bo rhap inspiring ?!

i would like to fully describe what i think of them but it would be a tad edited !

well they are certainly one big joke.
I actually had full respect for them and the way they went about themselves - They were actually quite good... And then I heard what the record company had done to them... Being a huge Queen fan I was actually impressed with their version of bo-rap on record... APART FROM THE FACT THEY CUT HALF THE SONG OUT AS WELL AS HAVING THE WORST VIDEO EVER!!! So yeah, I don't actually think their too bad, but the record company have "done them in" senseless.

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Are G4 supposed to be funny?

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