Application Forms in The AnswerBank: ChatterBank
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Application Forms

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eash | 17:07 Tue 11th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Just spent all afternoon filling in a job application form. So annoying but necessary!
Anyone else find them annoying?
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HATE EM WITH A VENGEANCE! so much more things we could be doing with our times! would'nt it be perfect if we could use copy&paste in real life!
What sort of job are you looking for?

And where?
I totally agree with blackalbino. Also why is it that when writing anything else you dont make mistakes but as soon as you do an application form you even spell your own name wrong? or is that just me? :s
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It's working for Comic Relief as an administrative assistant.

Totally agree pixi, I re read what I had written and the grammar was terrible! Had spelt my name right though :-)
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Just trying to fill in another one for Unicef.
So frustrating making me wonder if the job's worth having at this rate!

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