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omg telly will be sh�t tonight because?

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legendis.god | 15:23 Fri 14th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Yes as you probably know

tonight is teh annual telly nite


Maybe you know it as children in neeed.

Personallaay i hate it and try not to watch it as its generally a heap of poo.

So what failiong celebrity will do a CHARITY thingy tonight ?In the hope of getting some work ?


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Wossy and Brand are doing an impromptu ditty apparently...
Kerry Katona i reckon!

Im gonna sky plus it just so that i dont have to sit through the drivvel just for the 5 minutes when the lad that lives next door is on it.

little CRX has gone to school in his jammies this afternoon for a pyjama party to raise money. all the little ones looked so cute.

its only on one channel isnt it? And they do raise alot of money. I only like watching the soaps do their anual song, this year Eastenders do mary poppins.
I want to come to work in my pjs.
tv is always sh!t, maybe its because I dont watch the soaps?
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little leg is away to school in his jammmies today for the children in need.
nothing against the idea

but its lie celeb big bro and is used by celebs , whilst making out theyre so nice

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You could always watch Weller on BBC4 at 9- but just the documentary part- wouldn't advise bothering with him performing songs from The Worst Album in The World- Ever
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Celebritys needing shot.

phone in nowwww

weve got the loose women sitting at the end of a rifle range

whoever gets the most monety donated gets shot

and the phones are red hot

i reckon carol

( my claim to fame is being an ex w2ife of chris evans and dont i just keep reminding you of it )

will be first to be shot.
stevie that is funny but maybe not THIS week
They're celebrities with loads-a-money! Why can't they make their own donations and leave the tv slot for something more interesting?
LEGEND -how very dare you slag Carol the McGiffin off.

She is brilliant and no she doesnt ride on Chris Evans coat tails in fact she didnt take a bean from him other than what she had contributed to the marital home.

I love her to bits and I love Loose Women as well -the prog -not in general .

Anyway that aside -I cant abide Children in Need -O contribute as I feel I have to but H and I were just talking coming back from Perth and neither one of us has ever seen any good come out of it -wonder where the money goes and how its distributed cos im sure it aint up here

I am not suggesting at all that its a con as im sure its not but where does the dosh go???

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