We're not interested in having Sky TV at home, but Mr S is keen on having it in our touring caravan next summer. Any ideas on what is needed for this, and what the simplest set-up would be. Many thanks
I have to say almost every question on Answerbank could be answered by a quick search in Google.
I have seen many questions on subjects I know nothing about, but a search in Google using a couple of keywords from the question will usually find the answer.
I have found some answers in 5 or 10 seconds, quicker than it took for the person to ask the question in the first place.
Hi, VHG. I agree that googling is a great thing, but I have also found over the years on this site, that personal experience can also be a great help (and often much more enjoyable to read)
I must now get off of this computer so that he can get onto Sky4caravans and sort himself out. :-)