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Can I have some sympathy too?

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jen78 | 12:13 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Think I've got another pesky rib out of place, came on Friday round my shoulder blade and now spread right round to my chest.

My osteopath doesn't work til Tuesday so just dosing myself up on painkillers til then.



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omg jen that sounds really painful! I hope you get it sorted soon, in the meantime take it easy xx
oh Jen, that sounds horrible. I didn't know you could get out of place ribs.

I'm going shopping soon. I'll pick you up a nice hunk to make you feel better x
Poor you :-(
Take care hun xxxxx
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Thank you :)

It's sooo annoying, they keep doing it!

I'm getting cuddles from the cat though :)
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I won't send hugs as that might make it worse! Hope you get it sorted soon
awww Jen youve not had a good week have you, I hope you get that sorted soon, what caused it? xxx
it's old age, weeal. she's in her 30's now ;o)
oh dear sara where does that leave us lol
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Yep, am getting old now lol :) Think it might be the arthritis but going to have a chat with osteo on tuesday as keep happening.

Can't take anti-inflamm so upping my arthritis meds and got some prescription strength codine.

It's a ruddy nuisance!
Awww Jen, I'd send you my cats but they are cuddling me and providing me with sympathy at the moment.

Whats happened to your ribs? Why are they out of place?
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I don't know, think I need to find out though as it keeps happening and going to an osteo each time if becoming a very expensive way of treating it.

I have my Heathcliffe :) They are great for making you feel better aren't they :)

He's been extra cuddly the last few days as if he knows mummy is suffering :)
had similar when fell over a few months ago,painfull,which ever way tried to sleep was more pain.hope you get sorted soon
Awww Jen, that's not good. Hope you feel better soon. Cats do seem to have a way of knowing when something is wrong and you need a cuddle :-)
Take care sweetie , how painful . Gentle hugs xxx

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Can I have some sympathy too?

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