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This has been annoying me every time I re-read it

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dot.hawkes | 02:04 Mon 17th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
18 Answers Question656742.html
what the heck is he blathering on about?????


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Not a well bunny by the sound of things
this might help to answer your question dot on656440.html
What are car codes? Have I missed something?
Sounds like a pre-amble to advertising to me
Now it makes sense LOL
car radio codes that you need to re activate a car stereo if it has been removed from the car.

There are a lot of questions in motoring when people ask for radio codes, which as TWR is quite correct in saying could well be people asking for codes to re activate stolen car radios.
So if you were to report such a question, to put a stop to this on this site, what category would you report it under?
I don't report them, If I answer them I simply tell the OP to go to the local dealer for the make of car and they will supply the code for a very nominal fee.

The dealers keep a database of reported stolen radios so if it is stolen they will get caught, if it's not stolen they have nothing to worry about and will get the code for a couple of quid.
I fully understand where TWR is coming from. Why should it annoy you every time you re-read it, dot?
yes chuck, you would give this answer, and quite sensible too. But what if a non-suspicious person just gave the code?
The ED cannot keep a check on all posts of this nature, as suggested in the AB suggestions post.
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I think you need to stop re-reading it!

let it go, dot ;o)
what makes me giggle is that they will take the radio out of dash to get the seriels and then post, surely a quick call to local dealership is easier?
Question Author
My issue is that why would the site get in bother as he is implying? how do you zap someone's post because they ask for a code? you are then assuming they are dodgy surel;y? when i asked i was perfectly genuine and got the code!!!
i dont see the need in banning the question either dot.

After all, the slimming world ones are on weekly

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This has been annoying me every time I re-read it

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