Would you consider someone you knew either arrogant or vain if they were considering applying to a model agency or should they wait to be "spotted/scouted" ?
No if they think they are good looking then they should go for it the model agency will soon tell them if they arent. I am more likely to think the friend that thinks they are vain is a bit jealous
Thank you for your replies. I have been told by a few people lately that I ought to give it a try. It is something I had never considered before as I don't think I would 'qualify'- I just wondered what people may think of me if I did actively look in to it for myself.
there are many different aspects to nodelling and it would be wise to get an agency interested to at least get some work even it is only regional or publicity work.
it is a rough job i would imagine and looks aren't everything, it is having the basics to work with that can be important, especially in the fashion trade
My nephew has an unusual look. A bit Patrick Swayze ish. Someone in the business spotted him and he did a photo shoot for a mag.
He's much in demand now, jetting off to Paris, the Far East etc. My mum has seen her grandson on a bus stop instead of waiting at one!
Funny thing is it's not a career choice so he is going along with it for now almost with an attitude of 'it's ok while it lasts' but he is doing very well.
Check out the reputable agencies. They will soon let you know if you are what they are looking for.
It isn't always a classic good looker they want. Quite angular facial looks seem popular at the mo for men and that's why he gets work I think.
The essence of your Question is the reaction of those around you.
Forget about them.
Physical beauty is like phsyical ugliness - you get what you are given. If you are lucky enough to be suitable, then go for it, and if not, then no-one should blame you for trying.
I remember a seriously gorgeous lady I knew years agio, and I aslked her if she thought she was attractive, her response was -
Andy, I don't consider myself classically attractive at all (I am very uncomfortable with my face) and always feel silly to say I have been told I should take up modelling. I would hate for anyone to think I am bigheaded and think I am gorgeous if I mentioned I had put myself forward.
I think I shall look in to it a bit more but your answers are all very helpful. Thank you.
no i wouldn`t consider anyone Arrogant or vain beacause they wanted too enter in too modelling.its a job like any other.we wouldn`t accuse a person of being too forward for going for an interview for a office job,so why would a modelling career be any different,