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Do you remember Village Vicar on here?

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Panic Button | 21:26 Mon 17th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Many doubted he was real, but he is mentioned in this BBC link, Father Bill Haymaker 906.stm


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Hmm doesnt mean it was really him that was posting on AB, never took to him myself.
he always seems to be on radio 5
obviously turning his back on the AB flock
he has been working abroad alot helping those in africa spoke to him a few months back
Did he ever mention his son being beaten up by a gang at the beginning of last year?
I took to him weeal , and looked forward to reading his posts , even though at times it took me a while. There hasn't been anyone like him on here since , his command of the written word , and his experiences .
v v helped me through a very tough time got me a solicitor and when me and my baby were short of food etc (after a bad break up) and having lost an unborn child he sent the salvation army round with food and money he supported me phoned me daily and basically saved me.

i can only ever say thank you to him for all he has done for me and babygrape

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Do you remember Village Vicar on here?

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