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stewey | 03:25 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
...some reeeeaalll music to end the night? Aint it great?


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Ok, kn, even though you don't like my choice of music, I'll sign up. Mind you, I'm so far away I don't think my vote will count, but cheers anyway.
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knobby, scuse me but its not your thread and neither is the music aimed at you.

Good job we dont all like Led Zep and all that row....more noise than music.
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Teram., we have, seemingly, something in common: good music. Not crazy about her 'scat' singing, but a great voice.
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Kn, would you like a link to Gene Krupa and Benny Goodman?:)
c'mon give us a jazz thread
cripes off....nite nite
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Stewey....look what I found.........luv her?

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