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mumof3angels | 19:32 Wed 19th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Why do I keep seeing recent posts in adverts and yet they haven't any question title and I can't click on them. In fact I don't have an adverts topic anymore. Does anyone else have the same problem?


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Have you been drinking??!!!
I can only see one post with 2 dots however I can still click into it.
Have you started using Firefox?
Question Author
Lol funnygirl-no I haven't been drinking. No Ethel I haven't started using firefox either. I've just noticed for the past week I keep seeing posts in adverts yet I can't click on them. Oh well, never mind.
You must have upgraded your security, or changed its settings.

It is now carrying out ad blocking, which also stops you seeing advert threads.
Question Author
Thnx for that panic.
Mine blocks all reference to ad's as well.

If an "advert" post appears in "Recent Posts" it is just blank.
Question Author
aahh so it's not just me jogger

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