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My pet pot bellied pig,

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bobtheturkey | 21:08 Wed 19th Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Colin enjoys ovaltine and garibaldi biscuits, what unusual food combinations do your pets enjoy?


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my Colin like the sauce from baked beans.

he's not really into food combining!
Caspar the cat likes mini-cheddars .....or any kinds of crisps.He also likes chicken paste.
Heathcliffe likes salt and vinegar french fries!?!?!?
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zebbi loves butter and fish from battered fish,and melted cheese
Two of my cats love garlic sausage, one of which would also follow me anywhere if there were miniature prawns in the offing. The other cat prefers cat food, but goes mad for the flakes I feed to my tropical fish.
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Florence (cat) enjoys a buttered scone, preferably the ones with sultanas. Marmite is a favoured topping
Good evening Bob. Hope you are well. My dog likes nothing more than prune juice and scampi fries.xxxxx
My cat is partial to a little munch of a chocolate chip muffin. he is also very fond of fish fingers, but his favourite is the milk amongst my morning cornflakes...

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My pet pot bellied pig,

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