Keyplus, No, Jews are not right �according to the bible� - they are right according to you. The bible says that God was the father of Jesus.
You say that long after it all happened, Christians started believing in God�s contribution, but Muslims who came much later, and were consequently even farther removed from the event, started believing in God�s contribution too, so what�s your point?
Muslims may believe that Jesus spoke from the cradle, but there�s no logic in it whatsoever, just as there is no logic in a woman becoming pregnant without the necessary biological processes taking place. You ask how many would believe it. Plenty, it seems, but I can�t imagine why, since there is nothing to support any of it. You may as well believe Grimms Fairy Tales with their magical, fanciful stories.
I have no idea what you�re talking about when you say God didn�t forsake her to answer unanswerable questions. Err �.what are you talking about?
I�ve asked the questions about the tests several times now without receiving answers. Nevertheless, I�ll do you the courtesy of addressing your question, and then, perhaps I�ll get my promised answers. I don�t think there is a specific purpose to this life. It�s as simple as that.