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stewey | 21:18 Sat 22nd Nov 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
.who intend to join me at the 'Atria Bar & Grill' in about an hours time, you'd better get a move on. I just made some money on eBay so I'll spring for the beer all night long!!.................See ya down there.

(Somehow, I think I wont have an expensive evening..whew)


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Will you be walking back over the field tonight stewey ?
I'm in near the fire for the duration sweets :-) xxxxxx
Won't be joining you unfortunately stewey, but thanks for the offer! Have a glass of wine for me won't you :-)
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Yes, bigm. I'll be be walking backwards in my snowy footprints again. It's much easier since I attached rear-view mirrors to me beanie. Now I can see where I'm coming from and where I'm going at!
Take care and have a good evening :-) xxx

Hi bensmum sweetie :-) xxx
directions from St Albans please!
hang on, just got to catch the f-ferrets, whack 'em, skin 'em, sew them together for my coat - wont be a tick!

Rev up the masarati - am off. Oh ffs....heater wont work, never mind, coat is warm enuf.

Keep me a dry martini & lemon, shaken but not st......d
terambulan, could you please pick me up in your maserati?
It's cold Sara, heater up the duff.....wear warmies.

Am on my way
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Ok, people; see you all down there. Hurry fancy martoonies: just beer!

I'll just put my furry undies on...
Got a bar in the Mas, but will mix with the ale.....not proud.
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Guess what; I just just back from the field......nobody showed up.........well none of you guys anyway!
It was a bit cold to go out tonight stewey - and I can't walk backwards in the snow like you can! : )
You seem to be quite sober then stewey..
Walking backwards in 2ft. of snow takes some concentration, so I think he sobered up on the way home!! Lol.

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