The fact that you're asking this question suggests that you've probably not really got the confidence to go straight back into full-time work.
Why not 'test yoursef out', in a 'safe' environment, by volunteering to work in your local charity shop? You'd only need to make an initial commitment of one or two sessions each week. Then, if you felt you could cope, you could take on more later.
Job-hunting can be rather depressing for anyone at the moment (with rising unemployment). You'd probably feel much better about it if you'd got a recent, glowing reference (from the charity), rather than having to explain why you've got no recent references.
Nearly every charity shop in the country requires volunteers but, if there's a branch in your area, how about offering your services to Mind? The aim of the charity is to give support to people suffering from depression, and other mental health problems, so they should be particularly welcoming: hops/find+a+shop.htm